Fplot Limit

  1. Plot Limits
  2. Matplotlib Plot Limits

PlotPub Publication quality graphs in MATLAB. MATLAB is an excellent tool. It is equally popular among students, researchers and professors. If you use MATLAB for your project/research, you probably know that it is not easy to create publication quality graphs (PQGs) using MATLAB. FPLOT Plot function. FPLOT(FUN,LIMS) plots the function FUN between the x-axis limits. Specified by LIMS = XMIN XMAX. Using LIMS = XMIN XMAX YMIN YMAX also controls the y-axis limits. FUN(x) must return a row vector for. Each element of vector x. For example, to plot the function y=exp(x) for x=0 to 10 with the increment = 1. Fplot (@(x) was used to generate a figure the resulting curve shape is wrong and errors are produced. The correct X minimum and maximum values were not represented correctly. My command Used was taken from the 'help' menu.

MATLAB Function Reference

How to control the limits of data values in R plots. R has multiple graphics engines. Here we will talk about the base graphics and the ggplot2 package. We’ll create a bit of data to use in the examples: one2ten. The fundamental idea in calculus is to make calculations on functions as a variable “gets close to” or approaches a certain value. Syms x fplot(x/abs.


Plot a function between specified limits



fplot plots a function between specified limits. The function must be of the form y = f(x), where x is a vector whose range specifies the limits, and y is a vector the same size as x and contains the function's value at the points in x (see the first example). If the function returns more than one value for a given x, then y is a matrix whose columns contain each component of f(x) (see the second example).

fplot('function',limits)plots 'function' between the limits specified by limits. limits is a vector specifying the x-axis limits ([xminxmax]), or the x- and y-axis limits, ([xminxmaxyminymax]).

'function' must be the name of an M-file function or a string with variable x that may be passed to eval, such as 'sin(x)', 'diric(x,10)' or '[sin(x),cos(x)]'.

The function f(x) must return a row vector for each element of vector x. For example, if f(x) returns [f1(x),f2(x),f3(x)] then for input [x1;x2] the function should return the matrix

fplot('function',limits,LineSpec)plots 'function' using the line specification LineSpec.

fplot('function',limits,tol)plots 'function' using the relative error tolerance tol (The default is 2e-3, i.e., 0.2 percent accuracy).

fplot('function',limits,tol,LineSpec)plots 'function' using the relative error tolerance tol and a line specification that determines line type, marker symbol, and color.

fplot('function',limits,n)with n >= 1 plots the function with a minimum of n+1 points. The default n is 1. The maximum step size is restricted to be (1/n)*(xmax-xmin).

fplot(fun,lims,...) accepts combinations of the optional arguments tol, n, and LineSpec, in any order.

[X,Y] = fplot('function',limits,...)returns the abscissas and ordinates for 'function' in X and Y. No plot is drawn on the screen, however you can plot the function using plot(X,Y).

[...] = plot('function',limits,tol,n,LineSpec,P1,P2,...)enables you to pass parameters P1, P2, etc. directly to the function 'function':

To use default values for tol, n, or LineSpec, you can pass in the empty matrix ([]).



fplot uses adaptive step control to produce a representative graph, concentrating its evaluation in regions where the function's rate of change is the greatest.


Plot the hyperbolic tangent function from -2 to 2:

Create an M-file, myfun, that returns a two column matrix:


Plot the function with the statement:

Plot Limits

Addition Examples

See Also

eval, ezplot, feval, LineSpec, plot

Function Plots for related functions

Matplotlib Plot Limits
