Occasional Paper Series

Occasional paper ideasOccasional paper series deutsch

Gisca Occasional Paper Series

Occasional paper series deutsch

The Occasional Paper Series is a forum for work that extends, deepens, and challenges the progressive legacy on which the College is built. The series seeks to promote discussion about what it means to educate in a democracy and to meet the. Occasional Papers The Program regularly publishes analyses written by our fellows and guest contributors, tackling and dissecting issues ranging from U.S.-based extremism to international terrorism and social media dynamics. The Need for a Specific Law Against Domestic Terrorism.

Occasional Paper Example


Bank Street Occasional Paper Series

Occasional Papers are prepared by various WFP offices as background or reference materials ultimately leading to discussions around policy and programme activities.

Occasional Paper Series Ecb

Occasional Paper 26: Social protection and climate change - 2019 (English version)PDF 1.82 MB
Document hors série No. 26: Protection sociale et changement climatique - 2019 (French version)PDF 2.49 MB
Documento especial N°26: La protección social y el cambio climático -2019 (Spanish version)PDF 2.5 MB
Occasional Paper 25: Social Protection and the World Food ProgrammePDF 454.43 KB
Occasional Paper 24: Food Insecurity and Violent Conflict: Causes, Consequences, and Addressing the ChallengesPDF 1.91 MB
Occasional Paper 23: WFP and Climate Change: a Review of Ongoing Experience and Recommendations for ActionPDF 530.03 KB
Occasional Paper 22: Ability and Readiness of Nations to Reduce Hunger: Analyzing Economic and Governance Capacities for Hunger Reduction
Occasional Paper 21: Capacity Development for Hunger Solutions: Policy and Operational FrameworksPDF 1.87 MB
Occasional Paper 20: Unveiling Social Safety NetsPDF 827.18 KB
Occasional Paper 19: Agricultural Development and Nutrition: the Policies behind China’s Success (English version)PDF 1.23 MB
Document hors série No.19: Développement agricole et nutrition: Politiques à l’origine du succès chinois (French version)PDF 611.61 KB
Documento especial N°19: Desarrollo agrícola y nutrición: las políticas que han favorecido el éxito de China (Spanish version)PDF 607.64 KB
Occasional Paper 18: Cash and Food Transfers: A Primer (English version)PDF 1.05 MB
Document hors série No.18: Transferts monétaires et aide alimentaire — un premier inventaire (French version)PDF 814.24 KB
Documento especial N°18: Introducción a las transferencias de dinero y de alimentos (Spanish version)PDF 769.34 KB
Occasional Paper 17: Social Protection in the Era of HIV and AIDS - Examining the Role of Food-Based Interventions (English version)PDF 716.69 KB
Document hors série No.17: La protection sociale à l’ère du VIH/sida (French version)PDF 728.46 KB
Documento especial N°17: La protección social en la era del VIH y el SIDA (Spanish version)PDF 727.16 KB
Occasional Paper 16: Food Fortification (English version)
Document hors série No.16: Enrichissement des aliments sur place pour améliorer la nutrition (French version)
Documento especial N°16: Enriquecimiento de alimentos sobre el terreno para mejorar la nutrición (Spanish version)
Occasional Paper 15: Widening the 'Window of Hope' - Using Food Aid to Improve Access to Education for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Sub-Saharan Africa -English version
Document hors série No.15: Faire grandir la lueur d'espoir L'aide alimentaire comme moyen d'améliorer l'accès à l'éducation des orphelins et des autres enfants vulnérables d'Afrique subsaharienne
Documento especial N°15: Avivar la “llama de la esperanza” Uso de la ayuda alimentaria para mejorar el acceso a la educación de los huérfanos y otros niños vulnerables del África subsahariana
Occasional Paper 14: Food as Aid: Trends, Needs and Challenges in the 21st Century - English version
Document hors série No.14: Aide alimentaire: tendances, besoins et défis au 21ème siècle - French version
Documento especial N°14: Los alimentos como ayuda: tendencias, necesidades y retos en el siglo XXI - Spanish version
Schriftenreihe des WFP Nr. 14: Nahrungsmittel als Hilfe: Trends, Bedarf und Herausforderungen im 21. Jahrhundert