Occasional Vertaling

Auction vertaling in die woordeboek is Engels - Afrikaans Glosbe, online woordeboek, gratis. And the occasional tourist. Af Later sal die vis opgeveil. Occasional definition: 1. Not happening or done often or regularly: 2. Not happening or done often or regularly: 3. Occasional definition: Occasional means happening sometimes, but not regularly or often. Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.

  1. Occasional Vertaling
  2. Occasionally Vertaling Nederland


  • περιστασιακός
    The occasional gambler is not necessarily lazy or desirous of dishonest gain.
    Ο περιστασιακός παίκτης δεν είναι κατ’ ανάγκη τεμπέλης ούτε επιθυμεί ανέντιμο κέρδος.
  • τυχαίος
  • σποραδικός
    Mr Carpenter travelled occasionally to other Member States to sell journal advertisements.
    Carpenter ταξίδευε σποραδικά σε άλλα κράτη μέλη για να πωλήσει διαφημιστικό χώρο σε περιοδικά.
  • ακανόνιστος
Occasional vertaling nederlands
limited to certain occasions, oft. used in the sense of 'not very often'
Occurring or appearing irregularly from time to time.
Created for a specific occasion.

Occasional Vertaling

Acting in the indicated role from time to time.
Occasional Vertaling
Limited to certain occasions; not very often.
occurring on a temporary or irregular basis; 'casual employment'; 'a casual correspondence with a former teacher'; 'an occasional worker'
occurring or appearing at usually irregular intervals; 'episodic in his affections'; 'occasional headaches'
Occasional Vertaling

Occasionally Vertaling Nederland

recurring or reappearing from time to time; 'periodic feelings of anxiety'
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