Plots Not Working


Plot Not Working In Autocad

One plot includes surrounding the Capitol and murdering Democrats to allow Republicans to take control of the government. By Matt Fuller WASHINGTON ― Capitol Police briefed Democrats on Monday night about three more potentially gruesome demonstrations planned in the coming days, with one plot to encircle the U.S. Capitol and assassinate. The Plot Style Table drop-down menu shows CTB files instead of STB. Choosing monochrome.ctb or grayscale.ctb will now work, in addition to any other plot style configured for black and white or grayscale plotting. If the CONVERTPSTYLES command does not switch the plot style, the file may be corrupt (see How to repair corrupt AutoCAD files).



I created a plot using the Matplotlib library in a Python script. But the call to show does not display the plot in a GUI window.

WorkingPlot not working pandas


The rendering of a plot to a file or display is controlled by the backend that is set in Matplotlib. You can check the current backend using:

I got the default backend as Agg. The possible values for GUI backends on Linux are Qt4Agg, GTKAgg, WXagg, TKAgg and GTK3Agg. Since Agg is not a GUI backend, nothing is being displayed.

I wanted to use the simple Tcl-Tk backend. So, I installed the necessary packages for Python:

The backend is not set automatically after this. In my Python script, I set it explicitly:

The plot was displayed after this change.

However, this needs to be set immediately after the import line of Matplotlib and before importing matplotlib.pyplot. Doing this in the import region of a Python script is quite ugly.

Instead, I like to switch the backend of the matplotlib.pyplot object itself:

This too worked fine for me! 😊

Reference:Matplotlib figures not showing up or displaying

Plots Not Working In Rstudio

Tried with: Ubuntu 14.04