7 Slots Custom

Tested Minecraft Versions:

V698, Jul 5, 2019: Hello, I want to install a One UI ROM on my OnePlus 7 Pro, but I have seen some videos that the OP7 Pro has an A and B slot in TWRP, in which of these two should I install the ROM? I'm using Qt Creator 2.0.1 and I have a custom slot my QMainWindow. Now I have a pushbutton, which on clicked should call the custom slot on the main window. Can do in code yes, but can't do this with the signal-slot editor. When I open the signal-slot editor, I see the custom slot on the right but the entire set of slots are disabled.

  • 1.7
  • 1.8
  • 1.9
  • 1.10
  • 1.11
  • 1.12
  • 1.13
  • 1.14
  • 1.15
  • 1.16
Source Code:
Languages Supported:
Default files : English -- French -- Chinese (by 冷冷)
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Like a classic slot, though, and many of our 3 reel slot machines, the 7 reel slot has the paytable on the same screen as the reels and you can switch between just 2 coin values. As you can probably guess, the option is between 7 or 14 which of course is a multiple of the number 7. 7-Slot Perfection on Twitter “@JosephPallotta @THEJeepMafia @gdhobbs2002 @JeepCoach @CutwormSpecial, This, in yellow, I'm not going to let up Joe!” Article by William Philyaw. 7 Slot Customs is the Jeep specific sister company of Barnes 4WD. We make Jeep parts for the weekend warrior and the rock crawler alike. We take pride in our parts and customer service.

A recode is planned, with the fresh, recoded version of GCore.
There's no ETA, but I will work on it whenever I can unlock time for it.
Until then, this plugin will use the legacy version of GCore.
Bug fixes and support will still be provided.


GuillaumeVDN's plugins on Spigot !
SupremeShops QuestCreator BettingGames Potatoes
CustomCommands GParticles GSlotMachine


(I don't answer to reviews anymore but I still read them and appreciate them ! <3)
GSlotMachine is a simple plugin to gamble easily, with just one button. Since it's better to explain something with an image instead of 15 text lines, here you have a simple GIF that resumes everything :
(the machine can look like whatever you want, this is just an example)
Feel free to send me ideas to improve the plugin !

    • Simple configuration system
    • Can be easily set up + the machine can basically look like everything
    • Win items or commands
    • Plugin reload system
    • ... and more !


    • Java 8and above
    • Spigot 1.7.2, 1.7.9, 1.7.10, 1.8.8, 1.9.4, 1.10.2, 1.11.2, 1.12.2, 1.13.2, 1.14.4 or 1.15 (others versions may work but it's not guaranteed, for example custom Spigot versions like Paper)
    • Latest version of GCore (included in the zip file)

Steps :

    • Build the machine ; you can use any type of blocks (can be different) and any type of button. The cases don't have to be next to each other if you don't want.
    • Create the machine (specify an ID and a type) with /machine create -m:MACHINE_ID_HERE -type:TYPE_HERE (type is the config ID of the type you want to create)
    • Look at the button (crosshair must be on id) then define it with /machine setbutton -m:MACHINE_ID_HERE
    • Define the 3 cases with /machine setcase -m:MACHINE_ID_HERE -case:NUMBER_HERE (with 1, 2 and 3 instead of NUMBER_HERE)
    • You're done with the machine, it's ready to use !

7 Slot Customs Bumper

Video tutorial :

    • /gslotmachine reload (permission gslotmachine.admin) : reload the plugin
    • /gslotmachine create -machine m [id] -type t:[id] (permission gslotmachine.admin) : create a machine
    • /gslotmachine setbutton -machine m [id] (permission gslotmachine.admin) : set the machine button
    • /gslotmachine setcase -machine m:[id] -case:[id] (permission gslotmachine.admin) : set a machine case
Command aliases : /gslotmachine, /slotmachine, /machine

# Configuration file for GSlotMachine
# Data management
# Back end (JSON, MYSQL) (default JSON)
# If you enable MySQL here, you should definitely enable it for GCore as well
backend: JSON
# Synchronization delay (in seconds) (disabled with -1, by default)
# If this is enabled, the plugin will check the stored data (json/mysql), and if there's new/different data, cached data will be overriden here
sync_delay: -1
# MySQL identifiers (if backend is MYSQL)
# mysql:
# host: mysql.myserver.com
# name: mydatabase
# user: username
# pass: pwd
# Machines types
cost: 100.0
amount: 16
chance: 30
give_item: true
- 'broadcast &a{player} won 16 gold ingot in a slot machine !'
amount: 1
chance: 10
give_item: true
- 'broadcast &a{player} won 1 diamond in a slot machine !'
type: QUARTZ
amount: 32
chance: 10
give_item: true
- 'broadcast &a{player} won 32 quartz in a slot machine !'
amount: 64
chance: 20
give_item: true
- 'broadcast &a{player} won 64 cobblestones in a slot machine !'
type: APPLE
amount: 16
chance: 10
give_item: true
- 'broadcast &a{player} won 16 apples in a slot machine !'
amount: 16
chance: 10
give_item: true
- 'broadcast &a{player} won 16 dead bushes in a slot machine !'
type: BONE
amount: 16
chance: 10
give_item: true
- 'broadcast &a{player} won 16 bones in a slot machine !'

By using this plugin, you agree to the following !

    • The reviews section is provided for you to give your opinion on the plugin and not to get support / suggest things. See links at the top of the page to get help ! (discord)
Thanks to waqe, for your 25.00€ donation ! <3[/SPOILER]

You’re browsing the documentation for v2.x and earlier. For v3.x, click here.

This page assumes you’ve already read the Components Basics. Read that first if you are new to components.

In 2.6.0, we introduced a new unified syntax (the v-slot directive) for named and scoped slots. It replaces the slot and slot-scope attributes, which are now deprecated, but have not been removed and are still documented here. The rationale for introducing the new syntax is described in this RFC.

Slot Content

Vue implements a content distribution API inspired by the Web Components spec draft, using the <slot> element to serve as distribution outlets for content.

This allows you to compose components like this:


Then in the template for <navigation-link>, you might have:

When the component renders, <slot></slot> will be replaced by “Your Profile”. Slots can contain any template code, including HTML:

Or even other components:

If <navigation-link>‘s template did not contain a <slot> element, any content provided between its opening and closing tag would be discarded.

Compilation Scope

When you want to use data inside a slot, such as in:

That slot has access to the same instance properties (i.e. the same “scope”) as the rest of the template. The slot does not have access to <navigation-link>‘s scope. For example, trying to access url would not work:

As a rule, remember that:

Everything in the parent template is compiled in parent scope; everything in the child template is compiled in the child scope.

Fallback Content

There are cases when it’s useful to specify fallback (i.e. default) content for a slot, to be rendered only when no content is provided. For example, in a <submit-button> component:

We might want the text “Submit” to be rendered inside the <button> most of the time. To make “Submit” the fallback content, we can place it in between the <slot> tags:

Now when we use <submit-button> in a parent component, providing no content for the slot:

will render the fallback content, “Submit”:

But if we provide content:

Then the provided content will be rendered instead:

Named Slots

Updated in 2.6.0+. See here for the deprecated syntax using the slot attribute.

There are times when it’s useful to have multiple slots. For example, in a <base-layout> component with the following template:

For these cases, the <slot> element has a special attribute, name, which can be used to define additional slots:

A <slot> outlet without name implicitly has the name “default”.

To provide content to named slots, we can use the v-slot directive on a <template>, providing the name of the slot as v-slot‘s argument:

Now everything inside the <template> elements will be passed to the corresponding slots. Any content not wrapped in a <template> using v-slot is assumed to be for the default slot.

However, you can still wrap default slot content in a <template> if you wish to be explicit:

Either way, the rendered HTML will be:

Note that v-slot can only be added to a <template> (with one exception), unlike the deprecated slot attribute.

Scoped Slots

Updated in 2.6.0+. See here for the deprecated syntax using the slot-scope attribute.

Sometimes, it’s useful for slot content to have access to data only available in the child component. For example, imagine a <current-user> component with the following template:

We might want to replace this fallback content to display the user’s first name, instead of last, like this:

Seven Slot Customs

That won’t work, however, because only the <current-user> component has access to the user and the content we’re providing is rendered in the parent.

To make user available to the slot content in the parent, we can bind user as an attribute to the <slot> element:

Attributes bound to a <slot> element are called slot props. Now, in the parent scope, we can use v-slot with a value to define a name for the slot props we’ve been provided:

In this example, we’ve chosen to name the object containing all our slot props slotProps, but you can use any name you like.

Abbreviated Syntax for Lone Default Slots

In cases like above, when only the default slot is provided content, the component’s tags can be used as the slot’s template. This allows us to use v-slot directly on the component:

This can be shortened even further. Just as non-specified content is assumed to be for the default slot, v-slot without an argument is assumed to refer to the default slot:

Note that the abbreviated syntax for default slot cannot be mixed with named slots, as it would lead to scope ambiguity:

Whenever there are multiple slots, use the full <template> based syntax for all slots:

Destructuring Slot Props

Internally, scoped slots work by wrapping your slot content in a function passed a single argument:

That means the value of v-slot can actually accept any valid JavaScript expression that can appear in the argument position of a function definition. So in supported environments (single-file components or modern browsers), you can also use ES2015 destructuring to pull out specific slot props, like so:

This can make the template much cleaner, especially when the slot provides many props. It also opens other possibilities, such as renaming props, e.g. user to person:

You can even define fallbacks, to be used in case a slot prop is undefined:

Dynamic Slot Names

New in 2.6.0+

Dynamic directive arguments also work on v-slot, allowing the definition of dynamic slot names:

Named Slots Shorthand

New in 2.6.0+

Similar to v-on and v-bind, v-slot also has a shorthand, replacing everything before the argument (v-slot:) with the special symbol #. For example, v-slot:header can be rewritten as #header:

However, just as with other directives, the shorthand is only available when an argument is provided. That means the following syntax is invalid:

Instead, you must always specify the name of the slot if you wish to use the shorthand:


Other Examples

Slot props allow us to turn slots into reusable templates that can render different content based on input props. This is most useful when you are designing a reusable component that encapsulates data logic while allowing the consuming parent component to customize part of its layout.

For example, we are implementing a <todo-list> component that contains the layout and filtering logic for a list:

Instead of hard-coding the content for each todo, we can let the parent component take control by making every todo a slot, then binding todo as a slot prop:

Now when we use the <todo-list> component, we can optionally define an alternative <template> for todo items, but with access to data from the child:

However, even this barely scratches the surface of what scoped slots are capable of. For real-life, powerful examples of scoped slot usage, we recommend browsing libraries such as Vue Virtual Scroller, Vue Promised, and Portal Vue.

Deprecated Syntax

The v-slot directive was introduced in Vue 2.6.0, offering an improved, alternative API to the still-supported slot and slot-scope attributes. The full rationale for introducing v-slot is described in this RFC. The slot and slot-scope attributes will continue to be supported in all future 2.x releases, but are officially deprecated and will eventually be removed in Vue 3.

Named Slots with the slot Attribute

Deprecated in 2.6.0+. See here for the new, recommended syntax.

To pass content to named slots from the parent, use the special slot attribute on <template> (using the <base-layout> component described here as example):

Or, the slot attribute can also be used directly on a normal element:

There can still be one unnamed slot, which is the default slot that serves as a catch-all for any unmatched content. In both examples above, the rendered HTML would be:

Scoped Slots with the slot-scope Attribute

Deprecated in 2.6.0+. See here for the new, recommended syntax.

To receive props passed to a slot, the parent component can use <template> with the slot-scope attribute (using the <slot-example> described here as example):

Here, slot-scope declares the received props object as the slotProps variable, and makes it available inside the <template> scope. You can name slotProps anything you like similar to naming function arguments in JavaScript.

Here slot='default' can be omitted as it is implied:

The slot-scope attribute can also be used directly on a non-<template> element (including components):

The value of slot-scope can accept any valid JavaScript expression that can appear in the argument position of a function definition. This means in supported environments (single-file components or modern browsers) you can also use ES2015 destructuring in the expression, like so:

Using the <todo-list> described here as an example, here’s the equivalent usage using slot-scope:

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